Abilene Termite and Pest Control
Abilene Termite and Pest Control
106 North Spruce
Abilene, Kansas

Abilene Termite & Pest Control is a family owned business started in 1951 by Don & Pauline Sims. Don operated the business until retiring in 1987 and placing day to day operation in the capable hands of his son Dan. After Dan was forced to retire because of health issues in 2001, Carl Sims, his cousin & Don's nephew took over.

Many changes have taken place in the pest control industry in 56 years. Treatment methods & materials have changed dramatically, particularly with the introduction of various baits for everything from ants and roaches to termites. Non-repellant liquid termicides have proven very effective and have become the most popular termite treatment method in the U.S.

However, some things haven't changed in 56 years - like our commitment to quality service. We still offer Free Termite Inspections and still give you straight, honest answers without the slick brochures or fancy sales pitch.

Our training and expertise is in termite & pest control Not sales or marketing. When you call Abilene Termite & Pest Control you can bet you'll get the same kind of friendly, professional service that Don & Pauline Sims offered folks 56 years ago. Don't forget to check out the pestworld site for kids.

All Rights Reserved. 2007. www.abilenetermitepestcontrol.com
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