Hassman Termite & Pest Control
Hassman Termite & Pest Control
901 E Prescott Rd
Salina, KS 67401 zip code
(785) 827-6750
(785) 827-3231 (fax)

Eliminate what's bugging you.

All sorts of pests want to share your home with you. The list could include spiders, crickets, roaches, termites, and fleas. Rodents might prefer your garage or attic. If these uninvited guests become too much to bear, we can easily thin the crowd.

Ours is a family-owned and operated business. For nearly 50 years, we've been helping central Kansas residents like you eliminate all sorts of household pests - efficiently and economically. Our entire field staff consists of Commercial Certified Technicians. Their training and many years of experience are your assurance that your home will be treated thoroughly and safely. As authorized installers of the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System, we can provide complete termite protection without any drilling or digging or messy chemicals. Call us tolll free today to find out all we can do for you.

Call 1-866-910-4872 Today for a Home Inspection.

2009 Hassman Termite & Pest Control
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